Connecting a Domain

Connecting a Domain

February 17, 20242 min read

  1. Log into your account using this link.

  2. Down the menu on the left-hand side, click on Sites. Then, on the menu across the top, click on Websites.

  3. To the right of the menu at the top, click on the gear icon.

    gear settings icon
  4. Click the blue “Add Domain” button.

  5. Type in your domain name (WITHOUT www. at the beginning).

  6. If your domain is from Google Domains, GoDaddy, or Cloudflare, you'll see an "Authorize" button. Click on it to allow the program to access your DNS settings. Follow the instructions that follow to automatically connect your domain. Once everything is finished, close the browser tab and return to your AIP account page.

  7. If you use any other domain provider, the next screen will give you two settings you need to add to your domain’s DNS settings. (Note: if your DNS settings already have an “A record,” don’t add a new one; just adjust the one that’s already there to match the required value given in the instructions.)

  8. Once you have added those, come back and click “Verify records.” Use the “Link domain with funnel” drop-down menu to choose which site design you want to connect your domain to. Then in the “Set default funnel step” field, set it to “Home Page.”

  9. Click on “Link Domain.”

  10. If you want to know how to rename the design you’ve connected your domain to, please see step 4 of our Getting Started tutorial.

  11. Now go to your website dashboard > Settings > Business Profile. In the Business Website field, enter your domain name in the following format: (DO NOT add " www. " in front of the domain name). Don't forget to save the changes by clicking the blue Update Information button.

    business profile section
  12. Now that your domain is connected, you'll need to verify it in order to send emails from your CRM. To do so, please follow the steps in this tutorial.

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